
UTSSC Trip and Safety Guidelines

Safety Guidelines

As a University of Toronto club, all members of UTSSC represent the U of T and the greater community on any trip off campus. As such, you will be held to the highest standards regarding behaviour and responsible for adhering to the club rules as stated in this document.

If you have any questions about these rules and guidelines please contact Arthur Gao (UTSSC Director of Safety and Wellbeing) at +1 (780) 905-3524, utssc@arthurgao.ca, or ArthurG#3030 on discord‬.

Our goal is to make this trip as fun and exciting as possible and these rules are here to make sure everyone is safe while having the time of their lives!

Getting Help

When in need of help from the club please contact:

Name Contact
Arthur Gao (Director of Safety and Well-being) +1 (780) 905-3524
Annette Kowara (Vice President) +1 (647) 472-4511

Additionally, when on the hill, you have access to ski patrol:

Destination Contact
Emergency Services 911
Blue Mountain +1 (705) 445-0231
Mt. Tremblant +1 (819) 681-5911

Note: Cell reception can be spotty on hills. Ski patrol can always be reached at the bottom and top of every lift

Rules on the Hill

Skiing and snowboarding are extremely fun and exhilarating when done safely. All members are responsible for reading and understanding the rules of the various resorts we frequent. They can be found here:

Additionally, know the Alpine Responsibility Code which is enforced by most major ski resorts in Canada.

Since UTSSC is a club for everyone, people of various abilities from first time skiers/snowboarders to people who have been skiing/snowboarding for all their lives will be on the trip. All members must be cognisant and respect the boundaries of fellow members. Do not take someone on their first trip down a black diamond. Injuries do happen, therefore, be cognizant of your ability and if you're ever in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable, reach out for help!

Helmets must be worn by all members partaking in any activity on the ski hill.

Safety Concerns:

If any situation arises that makes any member uncomfortable in any way, please inform a member of the UTSSC Executive team ASAP. UTSSC strives to maintain a high degree of safety and inclusivity and will do everything in our abilities to rectify the situation.

Code of Conduct:

Members are responsible for respecting the integrity and dignity of each and every Club member. Members are committed to making the Club a more inclusive organization based on mutual respect and appreciation for the diversity of the social network.

Members have the right to:

  1. Be treated fairly, equally and with respect by The Club, and other members.
  2. Socialize in an environment free from all forms of harassment and discrimination base on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age, gender identity, sexuality, or mental or physical disability.
  3. Privacy and confidentiality concerning records, documentation and any other communication containing a member’s personal information, unless consent is specifically provided in accordance with Club Bylaws, Code of Conduct, Club President (or designated representative) approval, and affected member approval.
  4. Be informed and actively involved in all Club events and offerings.
  5. Voice their opinions, requirements and suggestions to the Executive Team


We get it! Alcohol livens up the party! And we're all about that. But we also understand that alcohol can have strong effects to those consuming it. Therefore, trip goers are responsible for following local laws regarding the purchase and consumption of alcohol (19+ for Ontario trips, 18+ for Quebec/Alberta). We also ask that people refrain from consuming alcohol when skiing/snowboarding.

Other Substances:

We know that the UTSSC may be your first trip with a bunch of fresh friends. You might be inclined to push your boundaries a bit. The UTSSC trip is not the place for this. We ask that you avoid substances that you're not familiar with and leave the exploring to the safety of your own home.


No smoking(of any kind)/vaping is allowed on the bus or hotel rooms. Members may only smoke only in designated smoking areas.

Curfew and Noise:

There will not be an enforced curfew, however, we ask that club members be attentive of both the importance of a good nights sleep for mountain safety and other members' desire to sleep. UTSSC Executive team members reserve the right to terminate any parties within club provided accommodations.

Trip Guidelines:

To ensure an enjoyable and successful trip for everyone, we ask that these guidelines be followed by all members:

  • There will not be access to the bus after it drops us off on the hill until the announced meeting time. Do not leave anything you need for the day on the bus.
  • Make sure to have easy access to your health card and insurance.
  • Security within the bus is not guaranteed. Do not leave valuables in the bus.
  • If you are bringing your own equipment, please label it.


Depending on the severity of offence, UTSSC reserves the right to do any of the following with no compensation:

  • Revoke the lift ticket of the offending individual
  • Remove the offending individual from the trip
  • Remove and ban the individual from the club and all further trips and activities



UTSSC, the University of Toronto, and their directors, officers, employees, guides, instructors, agents, representatives, volunteers, independent contractors, subcontractors, sponsors, successors and assigns (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Releasees”).

In this Release Agreement Skiing and Snowboarding (hereinafter “the Activities”) shall include all activities, services and use facilities either provided, arranged, organized, conducted, sponsored or authorized by the Releasees, including, but not limited to: orientation and instruction sessions; and all travel either within or beyond the designated boundaries.

By signing up to the trip you agree that:

  • Skiing/Snowboarding is a sport with physical demands and inherent risks which are beyond the control of UTSSC and the University of Toronto. Falls, collisions and other incidents may occur and cause injury. Skiers/Snowboarders must assume the risks and dangers.

  • You are aware that the Activities on the trip involve many risks, dangers and hazards including, but not limited to: boarding, riding and disembarking ski lifts; changing weather conditions; avalanches; exposed rock, earth, ice, and other natural objects; trees, tree wells, tree stumps and forest dead fall; the condition of snow or ice on or beneath the surface; changes or variations in the terrain which may create blind spots or areas of reduced visibility; changes or variations in the surface or sub-surface, including changes due to man-made or artificial snow; variable and difficult snow conditions; streams, creeks, and exposed holes in the snow pack above streams or creeks; cliffs; crevasses; snowcat roads, road-banks or cut-banks; collision with lift towers, fences, snow making equipment, snow grooming equipment, snowcats, snowmobiles or other vehicles, equipment or structures; collision with other skiers or snowboarders; the failure to ski or snowboard safely or within one’s own ability or within designated areas; negligence of other skiers or snowboarders; and NEGLIGENCE ON THE PART OF THE RELEASEES, INCLUDING THE FAILURE ON THE PART OF THE RELEASEES TO TAKE REASONABLE CARE TO SAFEGUARD OR PROTECT ME FROM THE RISKS, DANGERS AND HAZARDS OF THE ACTIVITIES. You are also aware that the risks, dangers and hazards referred to above exist throughout the ski area and that many are unmarked.

  • YOU FREELY ACCEPT AND FULLY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, DANGERS AND HAZARDS AND THE POSSIBILITY OF PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH AND PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING THEREFROM. Communication in the alpine terrain may be difficult, and in the event of an accident, rescue, medical treatment and evacuation may not be available or may be delayed. Alpine weather conditions may be extreme and can change rapidly and without warning

  • You have been advised to wear an approved helmet during the Activities. You are familiar with the proper use of the Equipment. You are aware that there are technicians available to answer any questions that I may have as to the proper use of the Equipment.

  • Some UTSSC trip packages provide rental equipment. Members will be responsible for the reimbursement of any costs associated with the loss or damage to rental equipment or other members' equipment.

  • The rules and regulations stated above are for the safety and wellness of all members. UTSSC reserves the right to enforce any and all of the rules in any way the executive team deems necessary.

  • You hereby grant the releasee permission to use photographs and videos of you in any of the following:

    • Web-based publications
    • Print Advertisements
    • Organization Bulletin

    You hereby affirm that such release to the releasee does not constitute any form of compensation, including royalties arising from the photographs, to your benefit.

    You understand and agree that photographs in the possession of the releasee shall become the property of the releasee. The use and publication of the photographs however, shall conform to your rights as a subject of said photographs.

    1. TO WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS that You have or may in the future have against THE RELEASEES, and TO RELEASE THE RELEASEES from any and all liability for any loss, damage, expense or injury including death that I may suffer, or that my next of kin may suffer as a result of my use of or my presence on the premises or travel beyond the ski area boundaries, DUE TO ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, BREACH OF CONTRACT, OR BREACH OF ANY STATUTORY OR OTHER DUTY OF CARE ON THE PART OF THE RELEASEES. I UNDERSTAND THAT NEGLIGENCE INCLUDES THE FAILURE ON THE PART OF THE RELEASEES TO TAKE REASONABLE STEPS TO SAFEGUARD OR PROTECT ME FROM OR WARN ME OF THE RISKS, DANGERS AND HAZARDS REFERRED TO ABOVE;

    2. TO HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY THE RELEASEES from any and all liability for any damage to the property of or personal injury to any third party, resulting from my use of or presence on the premises or travel beyond the ski area boundaries;

    3. This Release Agreement shall be effective and binding upon my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators, assigns and representatives, in the event of my death or incapacity.

    4. This Release Agreement and any rights, duties and obligations as between the parties to this Release Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted solely in accordance with the laws Ontario and no other jurisdiction; and

    5. Any litigation involving the parties to this Release Agreement shall be brought solely within Ontario and shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Ontario.

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